Tyler and I went to the hospital on Monday for what we thought might be just a day, but turned out to be the longest scariest experience of our lives. To start off let me tell you about how it all started. Last Saturday my family and I went over to the South Jordan days and walked around the different rides while my nephew enjoyed riding them. We only stayed about an hour because it was still soooo hot even at 6:00. We went back to my parents to enjoy some pizza and fireworks that night. On the way home I mentioned to Tyler that I had a sharp pain in the right side of my stomach, but didn't think to much of it because 1) I am pregnant and 2) I thought maybe I overdid it a little walking around in the sun. So that night I probably slept for an hour the pain just got worse and I felt like I had a fever. The next day was even worse, I would get the chills, then a fever, and I had the biggest headache ever. We had to cut our dinner at Tylers family short because I was so miserable. That night Ty took my temperature and I was at 101.8. When I called the on-call doctor he made it sound like most pregnant women just get these types of fevers and to just drink cold liquids and take some tylenol, and that if it weren't gone by the morning then to call the hospital or go in. So Monday morning I woke up in a cold sweat and threw up a couple times, so I gave my OB's office a call. The nurse there said that some of those symptoms sounded like an apendicitice and that I needed to go to the ER asap. As soon as I told Tyler what she said we were in the car and on our way to the hospital (I'm so lucky he has the hours that he does because he was home with me then). We got to the hospital about noon and they first took us to labor and delivery to make sure everything was going ok with our baby, and they were! They then sent us down to the ER to find out what was wrong with me. Before even getting in we had to fill out the same paper work we already had and we sat in the lobby for about 2 or more hours. When we finally got back into a room they ran a couple different tests on me to see what might be wrong. To make a LONG story short I ended up having a mild kidney infection and developed ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). With the ARDS, my lungs had started to fill with fluids and I was't getting enough oxygen. For about a day and a half I was in the ICU, hooked up to oxygen, and all these different wires so that my oxygen level would go back up again. ARDS is very rarely developed along with the kidney infection for pregnant women and can usually take weeks to recover from it, but I was bound and determined to work hard on my breathing to get my oxygen back up. The doctors said I recovered so quickly because I have always been so healthy. I was finally able to leave Saturday afternoon, and was so glad to be out of there!! Now I am just resting and taking it easy! Now I can honestly say that after spending a week in different parts of the hospital, hooked up to so many things, having my blood drawn 10 different times and given different shots and IV's that I really dislike it there (and I'm NOT a fan of the food at all!)

Wow alli... That is too bad. I'm sorry you had such a run around. I'm glad everything is okay with you and the baby. Rest up and get better! We need to see some pictures of your cute little baby bump or we need to get together because its been to long!
Wow Alli that's really scary. It could have been something much worse so I'm glad you and the baby are ok!!
Alli I am so glad everything is ok now. That is very scary. Yeah for sure take it easy. And I agree with Kylene we need to see some baby bumps!!
Whoa, ALLI I am glad that your okay, ARDS can be a very scary thing, what an experience. I hope that all is well with you and baby from now on.
Oh my word!When I first started reading I thought something was wrong with the baby! My gosh that always gives me the worst feeling when I hear about people having complications with their pregnancies! How awful! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you when I texted you on Saturday. I have been layed up on bed rest and just decided to blog even though I'll pay for the energy used up later! Anyway, keep me updated and I'm SO SO SO glad you're okay! How scary!
I am soooo sorry that you had to go through all of that. You sound like such a trooper. I am so glad that you are doing better and the baby is doing well! Take care of yourself.
Love ya
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