Yesterday was Ty's Birthday and he turned 23! I felt bad that he had to work on his birthday, but his hours are pretty nice that he was done by 11, so we spent the afternoon just hanging out together. We went to the wonderful Cafe Rio for dinner and then headed off to the 311 concert (I had bought the tickets at the first of the month for him). Even though I haven't been in the best of health this last week I wasn't going to let that ruin his Birthday, or seeing his favorite band in concert! I actually felt good last night and the heat was pretty tolerable when the concert started!

Ty and I thought that even though it was called 'The Unity Tour' it was still funny that Snoop opened for them, and to see the different groups of people that were there. We actually thought it was the BEST place for people watching, and even caught this guy in action! He was dancing his heart out while Snoop was performing and he just had no rhythm what so ever, but he kept us entertained!!
Overall the whole concert was really good, and we had so much fun!!
That's funny because my husband met Snoop at the airport that day! He talked to him and everything. Pretty crazy!
A concert wouldn't be complete dancers who don't care. I'm glad you guys got to go!
Hey we found your blog off of Hillary's...congrats on having a boy you will love being parents! BJ says Hi as well, take care!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment! It's so much fun having a baby. You're going to LOVE it! Plus, he'll be adorable! You should join our future mom's blog! What's your email address and I'll invite you?
How fun! and what a good wife to do all that while you're pregnant! Hope you're doing good! Post something new about the baby! I want to know how you're feeling!
I lOvE that you guys saw Snoop. SO COOL! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer! And I hope you've fully recovered from that scary hospital visit! Those can sure put a damper on things!
Wow Snoop Dogg. In the flesh! I sure hope he was sporting his diamond encrusted mic. He really should have gave it to Ty for his b-day.
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